Friday, October 20, 2017

Infographic Reflection 10/20/17

 I did my Infographic about if College Athletes should be paid or not. I choose this because it is a highly debated topic and I'm really interested about it because a lot of factors go into it. I think it turned out pretty well despite it looking a bit small, It got the job done and displayed the info in a condensed manor. I used Piktochart (Which had a really similar layout to Canva). I chose it because of how easy it was to use for me. I would recommend it, the only downside is although there's a lot of different elements you can incorporate into your Infographic, you have to personally search for each one and that takes a couple minutes. There's plenty of things you can do to make your Infographic your own, and its easy to use. However it takes a bit of time. I don't think I'd use this much in the future because I don't use Infographics that often.

Rating: 4/5 stars

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